2018 Technology Transfer Award goes to an HZI spin-off company

HZI and InSCREENeX GmbH have been honoured by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Braunschweig for the development of personalised cellular systems. Scientists from InSCREENeX GmbH and the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) have collaborated to develop a technology allowing cells from any tissue to be proliferated in a petri dish without losing the cells' tissue-specific properties.

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The TRAIN Academy gets started again

The TRAIN Academy gets started the fourth time with a new year of motivated joung people from science and management. And furthermore nine graduates enrich the translational research scene in the region since 25 October 2018.

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Outstanding Victory in the Excellence Strategy

Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) awarded funding for two independent research projects, as well as for a joint project

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Millionenförderung für die MHH

Forscherinnen und Forscher bei der Exzellenzstrategie von Bund und Ländern mit den Anträgen RESIST und Hearing4all erfolgreich

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Long-chain fatty acids don't influence the formation of immune cells

Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des Instituts für Infektionsimmunologie des TWINCORE haben gemeinsam mit Partnern der University of California (USA), der McGill University (Kanada) und des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung in Braunschweig gezeigt, dass der Abbau langkettiger Fettsäuren keinen erkennbaren Einfluss auf die Bildung und Funktion regulatorischer T- und Gedächtniszellen hat. Die Ergebnisse veröffentlichten sie jetzt im Fachjournal „Cell Metabolism“.

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New diagnostic approach for meningoencephalitis by biomarkers

Wissenschaftler des TWINCORE konnten zeigen, dass Infektionen mit dem Varizelle zoster Virus von einem ganz charakteristischen Spektrum an Stoffwechselprodukten im Hirnwasser begleitet werden, durch das sich VZV Infektionen von vergleichsweise harmlosen Enteroviren zuverlässig unterscheiden lassen. Die Forscher der Arbeitsgruppe Biomarker für Infektionskrankheiten veröffentlichten ihre Ergebnisse kürzlich im Journal of Neuroinflammation und legten damit den Grundstein für einen neuen, schnelleren diagnostischen Ansatz bei Meningoenzephalitis.

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A new piece in the puzzle of how herpesviruses outwit the immune system

HZI researchers have uncovered how a cancer-causing virus specifically targets a protein of its host to successfully establish infection

Humans are constantly exposed to pathogens like bacteria and viruses. In most cases, the immune system successfully detects and eliminates these invaders. However, the herpesvirus family has adapted brilliantly to the immune system: its members manage to stay in the host’s body for life after infection. A research team at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) recently discovered that a protein of the carcinogenic Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) commandeers an immune system component for its own benefit. This enables the virus to successfully infect its host. The researchers have published their results in the peer-reviewed journal PLOS Pathogens.

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New treatment approach for hepatitis E infections in pregnant women

Hepatitis E virus infections are usually subclinical and are considered as an underrated disease by physicians. The number of infections worldwide is estimated at 20 million infected people per year. In our latitudes, primarily people with weakened immune systems get sick. In Asia and Africa, however, a different genotype is present, which is a serious threat to a very special population group: pregnant women.

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The TRAIN Academy sent off the first graduates

On October 26 the first graduates finished their education Programme: Prof. Christopher Baum and the Scientific Director of the HZI, Prof. Dirk Heinz, presented the certificates to the eight graduates.

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