Direct sequencing of viral and microbial DNA (and RNA) isolated directly from a clinical or environmental sample is known as metagenomics (and metatranscriptomics). These approaches grant access to the genetic makeup of as-yet unculturable bacterial phyla and archaeal groups, and can provide an unbiased overview of the species present in a sample. However, the resulting amounts of data are often terabytes in size and require expert bioinformatics knowledge to process and generate biologically meaningful results.
This 4-day workshop will guide you through the most relevant bioinformatics analysis steps, including the following topics:
- experimental design
- sequence quality control and de novo assembly
- genome binning and strain-level deconvolution
- taxonomic and functional annotation
To aid participants unfamiliar with Linux, we will introduce relevant concepts of working on the command line and teach practical tips and tricks for efficient installation and usage of bioinformatics software. After the daily lectures (and on Dec 13), you will have a chance to analyze your own data with our help. The course is free of charge and computing equipment will be provided, but you are responsible for arranging travel and accommodation.